Big news! We’ve added new housing program data - check them out under “Housing Programs” on each city page.


Housing Element Status
Rent Burden
rent burdened
Affordable Housing Production
affordable permits issued
Housing Programs
total programs

Affordable Housing Production

affordable permits issued

Every city and county is required by law to plan for local housing needs for every level of affordability every decade according to the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). The progress towards meeting these housing goals can be tracked over time by measuring the number of housing permits issued by local cities and counties. This data includes the 6th element cycle. You can use the above toggle to show 5th cycle data.

Distribution of housing permits
Permits as a share of the 2023-2031 Regional Housing Needs Assessment by income level
What's the impact?

The number of permits your city issued determines whether it can meet its housing goals. Is your city planning for housing for every new job created, every baby born, or every existing worker who is commuting from out of town and wants to live closer to their job? Moreover, cities need to plan for homes at all affordability levels. While many cities across the Bay Area are on their way to meeting their goals for above moderate-income housing, they are severely lagging on issuing permits for very low- and low-income housing.

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